Safety is important for all the students, staff and visitors, so don't forget to complete your YEARLY Volunteer Application!!


Whether it is chaperoning a field trip, running concessions at an event, delivering spirit wear or helping out in the library, CISD values any and all the support volunteers give to the students, teachers and staff.


Please complete this form to let us know where you want to help!







Our Librarian needs help shelving and checking out books. The time slots listed are flexible.

Any amount of time you can give is appreciated!


Click here to volunteer in the library!


Click here to volunteer for the Fall Book Fair!





We need some parent volunteers for Red Ribbon Week!

We will be decorating the school, working a lunch time photo booth and then be taking down event decor.

Red Ribbon Week is October 28 - November 1. 

Please review the available slots and volunteer needs. 

Thank you!


Red Ribbon Volunteer Sign Up





We need to stock up our snack cart for the staff! Thank you so much, parents, for your continued support. We are able to make the Snack Cart happen for the staff at the school through your generous and thoughtful donations. Your donations are distributed to the various LCs, counselors, paraprofessionals, nurses, fine arts, custodial, cafeteria and front office staff.



Click here to donate items:


You can also help deliver these treats to our wonderful staff!



In November the PTO hosts a student only after school party with food, games and a raffle. We love having student volunteers from our high school and local organizations help run games, but we also always need supportive parent volunteers too!


Cobra Fest is a Collins Staff run event during the Spring semester, but they could use a few extra parent volunteers!



Coin Wars - Scholarship Drive
Each Spring, Collins Intermediate host a penny drive to raise money for scholarships for seniors. Each applicant is a former Collins Cobra! Each day of the drive, the PTO counts the LC's donations and reports it to the school.